Skiing has increased energy costs either in its racing form or as a hobby. That’s why DIET FOR SKIING are connected.
Because it uses the most voluminous muscles of the body as an activity, from our core and below but also the whole muscular system to the upper extremities (to a lesser extent of course), the maximum caloric intake is the most effective way to help the muscular of the system to obtain maximum strength without the threat of injury. In addition, when it is cold, the body temperature drops. On the other hand, the metabolism increases slightly and therefore the burns increase. So maintaining a constant body temperature consumes more energy than under normal conditions. To this should be added that there is a reduced desire for water, as the thirst mechanism is reduced in the cold so dehydration occurs. But this is an illusion because we probably do not sweat like in other sports, but the minerals are lost as well, which can lead to cramps, injuries and loss of endurance. What we eat and drink can therefore provide us with resistance to the cold and endurance to exercise.
So those who are involved in skiing should drink more fluids. Mineral deficiency is prevented by consuming at least two liters of water (or natural juices) per day. A good source of hydration in the cold is hot drinks, while alcohol should be avoided especially in large quantities as it causes dehydration. In addition to the risks to our safety, there is a belief that alcohol will warm us … this is a myth. It just gives us this feeling momentarily while it actually brings opposite results.
The ideal diet for snow activities, are the complex carbohydrates (slow burning) that guarantee energy for many hours after consuming them, which must be consumed 2 hours before exercise and the proteins that care for our strength. Also, vegetables and good fats should be part of our mountain diet while fried and fatty foods should be avoided.
Breakfast is a very important meal – it can either make or break your day. It should consist of foods with a low glycemic index so that they provide energy gradually and not immediately. Good suggestions for breakfast are sandwiches and generally complex carbohydrates (whole grains) in combination with protein (eggs) and good fatty acids (olive oil or smoked salmon). Definitely the following such as bacon, sausages, ham and cheese pies, bougatses, butter, whole dairy, sweets, jams, chocolates etc. not good choices for breakfast.
In the meantime, consuming a high-calorie snack is considered necessary. Such snacks can be e.g. cereal bars, chocolate bars (50 gr max), chocolate drink, bananas, other fresh and dried fruits, sandwiches with brown bread – turkey and cheese, raw or salted nuts for hypotension, cereal flakes, no juices and juices other energy drinks that cause retention.
There are many suggestions for main meal and dinner. The quantity is determined depending on the time of day. They can be complex carbohydrates and proteins always accompanied by vegetables. Such as legumes (bean soup, giants, chickpeas, fava or lathouri), various pastas with tomato sauce (lasagna, noodles, trachanas), rice, baked or baked potato with meat and some cheese.
It is normal, however, when we are on vacation and the area near ski resorts offers many exquisite delicacies, to be tempted! The “forbidden” are usually the must-haves in these areas. The area of Parnassos is famous for its meats and cheeses and its many nice all day bars serve hellish sweets! Beer, tsipouro or a nice drink is taken on the mountain, après ski or during a break..If recreation is the purpose of your activity ..We would say excellent meter to enjoy your favorite activity as well! But if your approach is more athletic..discipline in dietary rules is required .. fortunately there are breaks 😉
We are waiting for you at 1100 Mount Bar early in the morning for Healhty Drinks & Treats and many other delicacies..apres ski !!
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